
"IMIQ - Intelligenter Mobilitätsraum im Quartier" ("Intelligent Mobility Space in the District") is a project by the IMR, which is located at the Port of Science in Magdeburg. During its scheduled duration of four years (01/2024-12/2027), the Port of Science becomes a district of the future, where new solutions are conceived, technically tested, and socio-economically implemented in alignment with the citizens' needs.

The project is funded by EFRE - European Regional Development Fund.


Involved parties:

  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Wendemuth, Cognitive Systems 
  • Prof. Dr. Ellen Matthies, Ecological Psychology
  • Andreas Müller, Digital Centre Mobility/Logistics/Industry
  • Prof. Dr. Benjamin Noack, Autonomous Multisensor Systems
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Nürnberger, Data & Knowledge Engineering
  • Prof. Dr. Hartmut Zadek, Logistics and Transport Services
  • Dr. Leander Kauschke, Coordination

Structural goals:

  1. Establishing an interdisciplinary research branch at OVGU
  2. Transforming the Port of Science into an attractive district of the future
  3. Establishing the project as the heart of sustainable and intelligent mobility in Saxony-Anhalt



The development of sustainable, user-oriented, and efficient future mobility still faces many challenges. The goal to reduce emissions clashes with increasing traffic, especially motorised private transport. Flexibility and user orientation appear hardly compatible with sustainability.
Therefore, society needs to address the task of designing mobility services to be more cost-effective, flexible, and universally available under higher ecological requirements.

Content Objectives
  • Establishing a living lab for intelligent mobility
    • Research of innovative mobility concepts using an autonomous shuttle bus within a 5G test field
  • Establishing a Digital Work-Life Twin
    • Mapping of mobility and exploration of new possibilities, from simple depiction to the eventual integration of all real-time data
  • Individual Public Transport
    • Autonomous shuttle busses between the Port of Science and university campus
    • Robotic vehicles for cargo transport, including handover processes
  • Mobile day planning in the district
    • Simulation of mobility, workflows, and the use of services in the DWLT to test and optimise possibilities that can later be implemented in the district



A project by

Funded by

imr EFRE_mit_Rand

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Last Modification: 07.08.2024 - Contact Person: