Network Partners

The Network Initiative Intelligent Mobility Saxony-Anhalt (NIIMO) is based on an initiative by Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg (OVGU) and Nahverkehrsservice Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH (NASA – Local Transport Services Saxony-Anhalt). This initiative forms the foundation of a broad alliance aimed at overcoming the challenges of structural change through practice-oriented innovations.

NIIMO brings together the multidisciplinary perspectives of the research association “Intelligenter Mobilitätsraum (IMR – Intelligent Mobility Space)” and a broad spectrum of practical perspectives from NASA GmbH and their steering committee “Intelligente Mobilität” (Intelligent Mobility). Collectively, they create a model region for local passenger transport and a logistics network that intelligently reacts to upcoming situations (both regarding individual users and the entire system) by optimizing the multimodal cooperation of (innovative) vehicles and anticipatively offering individual transport solutions to the users.

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