Intelligenter Mobilitätsraum - Intelligent Mobility Space

The IMR’s (Intelligenter Mobilitätsraum - Intelligent Mobility Space) vision is to develop mobility systems into a new form of user-adapted, system-optimized, environmentally friendly, and sustainable regional spaces. This shall be achieved by forming a cooperative network based on multidisciplinary research perspectives and regional practical expertise to establish a model region of future mobility. The model region consists of passenger transport and logistics systems with starting, intermediate, and end points that are defined flexibly. It also reacts intelligently to current and individual needs for transport and logistics inside the city and beyond. The key instrument is a synergy of conventional and innovative means of transport that are consistently optimized and use suitable assistance systems and digital interconnection. Following this vision, the IMR develops solutions to connect housing and work, social needs (especially those of more vulnerable groups), and transport aspects, as well as decarbonization strategies and infrastructural requirements to advance structural transformation.



Partner im Intelligenten Mobilitätsraum

Last Modification: 21.08.2024 - Contact Person: