Within NASA GmbH, the steering committee “Intelligent Mobility”, an inter-divisional board, deals with questions regarding future mobility. NASA GmbH is by hundred percent an association of the state of Saxony-Anhalt. Authorized by the state, it plans, orders, and pays for the regional railway system. It also operates the information portal INSA in collaboration with the “Mitteldeutscher Verkehrsbund” (MDV) and other transport associations.

Intelligent transport systems and highly advanced applications of information and communication technologies shall provide more safety, efficiency and sustainability for traffic and transport in Saxony-Anhalt. In collaboration with universities and research facilities, we work on future issues such as digitalisation of transport and automatised and autonomous driving. This was, NASA GmbH supports the Ministry of Infrastructure and Digitalisation Saxony-Anhalt with the implementation of the IVS master plan and works, among others, on the following state projects:

Expansion of the passenger information portal INSA, expansion of the computer aided dispatch system Saxony-Anhalt, connection assurance for passengers of public transport, operation and expansion of the mobility portal Middle Germany, software for the disposition of on-demand buses and other flexible means of transport, expansion of e-mobility and establishment of state-wide e-tickets.

The following departments of NASA GmbH take part in the process:

  • Competence Centre for Intelligent Traffic Systems, Green Mobility and Logistics
  • Research and Projects
  • Strategy and Communication
  • Service Planning
  • INSA
  • IT of NASA GmbH
  • Real-time data and collective passenger information
  • Rates, Sales and Earnings

Last Modification: 21.08.2024 - Contact Person: