
New Mobility Concepts and Solutions

AS-NaSA Automated shuttles buses – use-of-potential analysis Saxony-Anhalt

AS-NaSA stands for Automated shuttle buses – use-of-potential analysis Saxony-Anhalt and is a plan by the Institute of Logistics and Material Handling Systems (ILM) at Otto-von-Guericke-University in Magdeburg. It is financed by the European Regional Development Fund. More Information

AuRa - Autonomous Bike

The project “AuRa – Autonomes Rad” develops and trials a bicycle rental system for three-wheeled, autonomous cargo bikes. The cargo bikes will autonomously drive on specified bikeways and abide by traffic regulations. Thus, “AuRa” addresses the necessity for flexible, affordable, resource-saving, and therefore sustainable travel. More Information

Cargo Bike Deposit: Implementation of inner-city deposits for cargo bikes, suitable for traffic and citizens

The project addresses research gaps regarding the impact of cargo bike deposits on traffic and citizens, in alignment with the National Bicycle Traffic Plan 2020, which aims to improve traffic quality and secure sustainable mobility. More Information

AS-Urban-ÖPNV Automated shuttle busses – urban public transport

The project has several objectives concerning the usage of automated shuttle buses for urban public transport, which have not been researched and trialled adequately yet. The goal is to gain more in-depth insights into the technical, infrastructural, and organizational requirements as well as the social, ecological, and economic consequences of operating automated shuttle buses. More Information

OPENER next – Next stop: Accessability!

With their current project “Provision of information on accessible travel chains” NASA  GmbH aims to provide information on accessible stops to mobility-impaired passengers in alignment with the Passenger Transport Act (Personenbeförderungsgesetz, PBefG). The comprehensive acquisition of information on stop accessibility, along with its detailed requirements, has posed challenges that to date have been impossible to overcome, particularly for transport associations located in rural areas. To address this problem, the information systems INSA and Mobilitätsportal will be expanded with appropriate functions. As a result, access barriers in public transport shall be reduced. More Information

Digitalization of Lignite Mining Regions with DELFI Fare (DELTa)

The project “Digitalization of Lignite Mining Regions with DELFI Fare” aims to provide consistent information on fares for public transport between lignite mining regions all over Germany. Users of public transport should receive comprehensive information on travel routes, including real-time data and fares of high quality. Thus, digitalization of data processing as well as the improvement in quality and comprehensiveness of fare information should be promoted. The NASA GmbH is particularly concerned with the quality assurance for fare, schedule, and network data in the context of accurate fare calculation. More Information

Development of a booking system and user interface for purchasing digital tickets (BuBe)

The constant increase in digitalization and proliferation of smart devices are causing a shift in the needs of users of public transport. Simultaneously, this development opens up new possibilities in digital sales. The project BuBe aims to enable users of the information systems INSA and Mobilitätsportal to purchase digital tickets for public transport cash-free. The appropriate functions will be implemented into the information systems to allow for the acquisition of necessary tickets for several fares along one travel chain.  More Information

Traffic information for Saxony-Anhalt (ViSA)

The project „Verkehrsinformationen des Straßenverkehrs für das Mobilitätsportal Mitteldeutschland (ViSA)“ („Traffic Information on road traffic for the Central Germany mobility portal“ provides high-quality information on road traffic, based on Floating-Car-Data (FCD). The acquired information is then processed for the mobility portal and integrated into its background systems. The mobility portal’s map will depict the level of service (including travel time and lost time) whilst considering unexpected events such as accidents as well as roadworks and other traffic restrictions. The users shall then be informed about the place, duration and causes of roadblocks. More Information

Developing accessible displays of information

By now, information portals for means of traffic are fairly common. They are usually available as both websites and apps, and are provided by transport associations – such as NASA GmbH – and frequently make use of graphics and drop-down menus to enhance the portals’ appeal. Those designs do not take the needs of visually impaired people into consideration; for them, they present as unnecessary obstacles. Thus, this project plans to integrate higher contrasts, customisable font sized and the option to have the portal’s content read out aloud. The German language can also be an obstacle for non-native speakers. Therefore, the respective information portals shall be translated into English as well. Moreover, important information shall be provided in simple language as well as in videos that use sign language. More Information

Developing a mobility cost calculator (MoBiKo)

Motorised individual transport is one of the primary causes for environmental pollution in communes and cities and occasion a high financial burden for private households, which is often forgotten or ignored. For a more accurate overview of cost and emissions, this project will develop a mobility cost calculator that compares different means of transport to further environmental awareness. The calculator’s special feature is the option to enter individualised parameters, both for single journeys and an annual balance. More Information

Green Mobility Chain – completed

The project’s aim is the development and trial of an attractive mobility offer for users of electromobility in Middle Germany, that is also connected to public transport. The “Green Mobility Chain” not only connects electric vehicles with power supplies and public transport (such as carsharing), but also connects means of transport and living areas. More Information

MobilityHub – completed

In this project, NASA GmbH and partners examine the simplification of booking tickets for public transport and car- or bike sharing for smartphones. Currently, all of them can be purchased via smartphone, but customers need to use several different applications and logins if they want to travel using more than one type of transportation. The project’s main goal is to enable passengers to be able to purchase tickets for all means of traffic in their regional mobility app without being forced to log into several different systems. More Information

Intelligent Traffic Management

TalkToMe Intelligent Communication of Road-Side-Units with vehicles

The project addresses the establishment of an intelligent traffic system in Saxony-Anhalt in the context of new V2X communication standards to support manual, automatised as well as fully autonomous driving in the future. More Information

Linking service and business models in passenger transportation and logistics

Paket-KV-MD² – Sustainable parcel service via combined transport with micro-depots in Magdeburg

This project develops and establishes parcel distribution with an innovative Hub-and-Spoke approach through combining urban hub, micro depot, parcel stations and cargo bikes to enhance logistic points of intersection in Magdeburg and realise new material handling technology for combined transport. More Information

Strengthening sustainable forms of mobility

Subproject of the Kopernikus project ENavi (Energy Transition Navigation System)

The project focuses on sustainable investment decisions in the fields of mobility and heat use, both in private households and corporations. In several researches, critical factors regarding sustainable investment decisions as well as differences and similarities between the sectors and target groups shall be identified.  More Information


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